A short poem. and random Rants..

I'm really lacking clues to update. But since I'm on a roll on all things sentimental. Here goes.


If I could dream at night,
And if those dreams came true,
I would force myself to sleep,
So that I could dream of You.


And to just make things less emo. I will relate what Nahrend told me today.


Q: What do you call a Singh with one testicle?
A: Singh Gle. (Single)

Q: What do you call a Singh with two testicles?
A: Balan Singh (Balancing)

Q: What do you call a Singh with three testicles?
A: Amaz Singh (Amazing)

Q: What do you call a Singh with four testicles?
A: Surpry Singh (Surprising)

Its funnier when he told me I assure you. It cracked me up so bad I was laughing hysterically. :)
